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Keyline TV

Keyline invests in training and education

Keyline has invested in the training of a new generation of American locksmiths through the donation of its key-copying machines and cloners to the Dallas-based Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA). In an interview, Jim Hancock, Education Manager ALOA, clearly enthuses about the importance of training the association’s students on the best machines the market has on offer, machines that only Keyline can manufacture. Moreover, Keyline is involved in supporting the Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia (MLAA) through a gift of the 884 Decryptor Ultegra cloning device and a Carat Quattro key cutter to the students of the Association and their teachers. Jeremy Phillips, the MLAA director of training, declared: "The Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia has dedicated a significant amount of time and resource to ensure that the locksmiths of Australia and New Zealand are encouraged to continue growing in skills and knowledge. We need to ensure that as an industry we are always looking forward and moving with the technology. The MLAA recognizes Keyline has been instrumental in bringing many exciting innovations to our members; in key machines, transponder technology and in an ever expanding range of key blanks. We are especially grateful for the way that Keyline has consistently listened to the feedback from our locksmiths and has responded quickly to address the specific needs of locksmiths in this part of the world.In 2012, at our Adelaide Auto Expo, the MLAA was very pleased to accept from Keyline the gift of an 884 Decryptor Ultegra – this is an excellent machine and will be used as a training aid for all upcoming transponder classes. We wish to thank Carlo Alpago and the whole Keyline-Bianchi family!".