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Keyline TV

994 Laser: the strength of quality

Fire. A big fire. And then the fireman shooting water everywhere. Mr. Blair Boothe of the Victory Auto Lock had a hard time when the flames started burning in his shop of Baltimore in Maryland. “It took a month”, he told us at the ALOA Convention 2013, “to put everything back the way it was”. In this dangerous situation Blair’s first thought was for his 994 Laser. The water used to put out the fire turned the shop into something unrecognizable, the 994 “looked like a fish tank”, but nothing went lost. “When we brought it out and we dried it up, there was just one bearing that had to be changed. And then it started working well again.” In the misfortune of the events, the 994 Laser Keyline donated to Blair a new extraordinary satisfaction. A proof of how the technological innovation of Keyline creates advanced products in the digital electronics that maintain, as asked from the quality tradition, a great and fundamental structural solidity.